Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dad's Barbecued Spareribs

Dad's Barbecued Spareribs
This is from a cookbook called "Mormon Cooking."
Apparently, this is what Mormon's cook.
One thing I do have to say for this is that
this may be the best thing I've ever cooked!

What you need:
3 lb farm style spareribs
2 TBS vinegar
1 TBS butter
5 TBS lemon juice
4 TBS Worcestershire sauce
1 cup water
salt and pepper
2 onions
2 TBS brown sugar
1 small bottle of catsup
1 TBS prepared mustard
2 TBS paprika

What you do:
Boil all ingredients for 20 min or pressure cook for 5 min. Pour over spareribs. Bake 1 hour at 375 degrees. Serves 8.


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