Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cream of Carrot-Cheddar Soup with Bread Bowls || Autumnal Equinox Dinner || Course 4

Course #4 in the A.E. Dinner. This was my hot soup for the meal. Again, it sounds weird, I know, but it is good too. It tastes a lot like a potato soup, so don't shy away from this one either (and it's super easy too). I made little bread bowls to go with the soup. They obviously aren't big enough for an actual serving, but it adds to the soup and the presentation.
Ingredients for Soup:

2 tbsp. butter
1/2 c. finely chopped onion
1 lb. carrots (8-10), shredded
1 lb. potatoes (3-5), shredded
6 c. broth, vegetables or chicken
1/2 tsp. thyme
1 bay leaf
Salt & pepper to taste
1 1/2 c. milk (may use part cream)
1-2 c. cheddar cheese, shredded


Saute onion in butter in large soup pot. Add all but milk and cheese and simmer until vegetables are tender. Add milk and cheese, stirring until cheese is melted. Discard bay leaf. Serve hot with parsley sprinkled over. (I served mine by pouring a spoonful of soup in the bottom of the bowl, then putting the bread bowl in the middle and filling the bread bowl with soup).

How to make the Bread Bowls:

You'll need:

Bread -I used $0.88 wheat bread for this (I'm cheap, I know). You can use whatever bread you want.
Olive Oil
Favorite spices (I used garlic salt, rosemary, and oregano)


Cut the crusts off the bread, then roll it out nice and flat and thin with a rolling pin.
Combine oil and spice in a bowl, then brush one side of the bread with the oil (you just need a light coating).
Pinch the bread slice in by the four corners and place in a muffin pan.
Flatten the bread against the pan, pushing the folds in at the walls.
Glaze the inside of the bread bowl with the oil/spice mixture.
Back at 350 until brownish and dry.

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