Wednesday, February 23, 2011

White Chocolate Parfaits

I made these on Valentine's Day to finish off our dinner. They were actually the only part of the meal that I made from scratch, so I won't post the rest of the stuff we ate. They are super yummy and pretty easy to make. The recipe will make four parfaits, we only made two and then ate the leftover custard in crepes the next morning for breakfast. YUMMY!!!
3/4 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup sugar
2 tsp corn starch
2 egg yolks
4 squares (1 oz each) white baking chocolate
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 cups whipped topping
1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries (I used strawberries instead)
1 1/2 cups fresh raspberries
Sliced strawberries and additional whipped topping for garnish, if desired.

What to do:
In a saucepan, heat the cream just to a boil. In a bowl, combine sugar and cornstarch; stir in yolks until combined. Stir a small amount of hot cream into yolk mixture; return all to pan. Cook and stir for 2 minutes or until mixture reaches 160 degrees and is thickened. Stir in chocolate until melted; add vanilla. Cool to room temperature, about 15 minutes.
Fold in whipped topping. Place 1/4 cupr each in four parfait glasses. Combine berries; place 1/4 cup in each glass. Repeat layers of chocolate mixture and berries twice. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Garnish with strawberries and whipped topping if desired.


  1. How 'bout a Parfait?! Parfait's have layers!

  2. That's about a million times better than anything we did for Valentines Day. I got frustrated with reading business laws and regulations and I couldn't think of anything cheap/good to get for Cameron so I was in a bad mood. I made dinner, but it wasn't anything special-white chili. That was it. That was our V-Day. Cameron brought me reduced price candy the next day. We're doing our own Valentines Day this week. Problem is...I still don't know what to do for him, hhahahaha. I'm glad you did something, and it looks way yummy.

  3. This looks sooooo good! I'm glad you have energy to do things kind of thing. ;o)

  4. I'm thinking I just might have to try it... only I am envisioning it with some cake cubes in it too... YUMMY!
