Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pork Roast

This is a easy, yummy way to make a roast. It's great served with potatoes and carrots like your traditional pot roast. I almost always use it a little differently though. I'll describe what I do with it later in this post.

What you need:
1 pork roast, I used a loin roast, but you can use whatever you want. I used to go for picnic roasts, but decided that I didn't want to pay for that much fat and bone, even if they are cheaper per pound.
1 pkg onion soup mix
What to do:
Place a sheet of tin foil big enough to wrap around your roast in a large baking pan (I used a 9x13 cake pan). Place your roast on the foil in the pan and rub the onion soup mix all over the outside of your roast.
Wrap your roast tightly in the tinfoil, using another piece if you feel like you need it. Put the roast in your oven (which should be preheated to 325) and bake for 20 minutes per pound, or until a thermometer stuck in the middle reads 155 degrees (If you use a thermometer, be sure it isn't touching any bones in your roast).
At this point, if you're going to eat this as a roast, then take the meat drippings from the bottom of your pan and make a gravy and enjoy your yummy meal.
Like I said, I almost never gobble mine up at this point. Instead, I wait for it to cool down enough for me to handle the meat, then chop it up into smallish pieces. I divide these into roughly 1 pound piles and put them in ziplock sandwich baggies. I also divide all the pan drippings between the bags.
Why do this? I freeze these bags of meat and then I have really yummy already cooked meat for use in a bunch of different meals. All I have to do is pull a bag out of the freezer and add it to whatever I decided to make that night. It's quick and easy and it's cheaper than ground beef and gives us a little variety. My next couple of posts will be some of the different meals I make with my pork meat.

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