Thursday, July 21, 2011

Chili Chip Casserole

What you need:
1lb ground beef (When it's just Ethan and I, I go cheap and just use 1/2 a pound)
diced onion
1 can ranch beans
1 can diced tomatoes (drained)
Taco Seasoning
Tortilla chips (if I've got any crumbs from the bottom of a bag, or a bag that's been left open and gone stale, I use those for this)
Grated Cheese
Salsa, sour cream, hot sauce, ranch dressing, whatever else sounds good to you...

What you do:

Heat oven to 350 degrees.
Brown your hamburger in a large skillet with the diced onion. Drain the grease. Stir in the cans of beans and tomatoes. Add taco seasoning until it tastes yummy.
Grease a 9x13 pan and spread a layer of slightly crushed tortilla chips on the bottom. On top of the chips, spread a layer of the meat mixture. Add a layer of grated cheese. Repeat each of the layers one more time, then finish with a layer of crushed chips and grated cheese. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the cheese is melty and everything is warm all the way through.
Serve with whatever toppings you like (I know the ranch dressing sounds weird, but it's Ethan's favorite, he also puts on some salsa and hot sauce at the same time as the ranch).

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