Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cinnamon Rolls - Shaw Family Recipe

Everyone I shared these with kept telling me they were so good and unlike other cinnamon rolls, which was weird to me because I grew up with this kind so it's the normal kind to me. The difference is a sticky syrup you add in the middle. It's dang good!


1 TBS sugar

1 1/2 TBS Yeast

1/2 cup warm water

1 egg (beaten)

1 can evaporated milk

1 can hot water

1/2 cup oil

1/3 cup sugar

1TBS salt

3 cups flour

4-5 cups flour

1/2 cup light Karo syrup

1/4 cup butter

1 cup brown sugar

1 can of Cream cheese frosting (optional)


Put sugar and yeast in a small bowl. Pour warm water on top and set aside.

Mix all the 2nd set of ingredients in a mixer such as a bosh or kitchen aid with a dough hook, or mix by hand in a large bowl until thoroughly mixed. Add the yeast mixture and 4-5 more cups of flour until dough is just stiff enough to be handled. Beat until smooth and glossy. Let raise until double (about 1 hour).

Heat Karo syrup, butter, & brown sugar until boiling in a sauce pan on stove

Roll out dough to a large rectangle. Cover with a coat of butter then sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon. Use above mixture to dribble over the dough and to partially cover the baking pans. Roll the dough and cut with dental floss or thread. Arrange in pans and let raise 1/2-1 hour. Bake at 325 degrees F for 20-25 min. That way the caramel stays soft and pliable.

Add frosting if you wish

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