Monday, February 20, 2012

Pie Crust

Proportions for a single pie crust (just the bottom, not the top):
1 c. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/3 c. + 1 TBS shortening
2-4 TBS water

Proportions I use when making a double crust (top and bottom crust):
2 1/2 c. flour
1 1/4 tsp. salt
just slightly less than 1 c. shortening (if you want an exact amount...2/3 c. + 1/4 c. + 2 tsp. of shortening)
5-10 TBS water

1. Mix flour and salt together.
2. Cut in the shortening (don't over mix here, there will be shortening clumps and chunks, that's normal and needed)
3. Sprinkle in water 1 TBS at a time, mixing between each TBS. I use my hands to mix the dough, and I mix it by folding the dough in half rather than stirring or smashing). You want the dough to hold together and not be sticky.
4. Sprinkle counter with flour and roll out dough to desired thickness.
5. Place in pan, and poke 2-3 holes in bottom of crust (to prevent bubbles)
6. Bake as pie recipe directs, or to bake a crust for later filling (like for pudding pies, etc.) bake at 475 for 8-10 minutes.


  1. This looks so good! I can't wait to try it!

    1. This is my favorite pie recipe. I LOVE it and it's so easy.

  2. It's easier to think 1 c minus 2 tsp for the double crust. It worked great for me!
