Monday, November 26, 2018

Low Carb Egg Latte

When I wrote about how our family does Low-Carb I promised to post follow-up recipes ASAP. Well, here we are four months later and I'm finally getting one of them up here! Yeah me! :) 
These Egg Lattes are my go-to breakfast, especially since I discovered Jordan's Skinny Syrups at Tuesday Morning here in Carson City. They are WAY cheaper than the Toriani ones you find in the other stores around town and come in so many fun flavors!
I adapted this recipe from this one at DietDoctor, which is dairy-free. Just in case anyone's interested in seeing the original.

What you Need:

1 egg
1 TBS butter
1 cup water
heavy cream

What to Do:
1. Place the water, butter, and a healthy sprinkle of salt in a container (I prefer a liquid measuring cup with a pour spout and handle) and bring to a boil in the microwave. For me this takes 2 minutes, but microwaves vary.
2. Put the egg in a blender jar. With the blender running, pour the boiling water mixture over the egg and blend well. (This will cook your egg. It is SAFE to eat.)
3. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. I don't measure the cream, I just put in a couple of "glugs". I know, real scientific. :) Start with a tablespoon or two and adjust to taste and to keep you full as desired.
4. Enjoy warm or over ice. Because of the eggs in this you don't want to let it sit around all morning, so drink up and enjoy the rest of your day.

***Flavor ideas:
-Horchata: Vanilla extract, cinnamon, and sweetener of your choice (I prefer this one iced)
-Hot Cocoa: 1 TBS unsweetened cocoa powder, sweetener of your choice (those syrups come in handy here) and vanilla extract
-Egg Nog: Caramel syrup, nutmeg (good hot or cold, but I like it best iced)
-Pumpkin Spice: 1/2 tsp Pumpkin Spice + sweetener of choice OR pumpkin spice sugar-free flavoring syrup (garnish with a pinch of pumpkin spice on top for an extra WOW factor)
-Any other flavor of syrup you can find is worth a try here. I do have it on good authority that Root Beer flavor is not so good. ;)

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