Friday, April 28, 2023

Basic No-Knead Sourdough Bread

 This recipe comes from the book Sourdough Cookbook for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Introduction to Make Your Own Fermented Breads by by Eric Rusch and Melissa Johnson 

Click here to buy this book on Amazon

500 grams all-purpose or bread flour

350 grams water

70 grams active sourdough starter

10 grams salt (1 3/4 tsp)

Mix the flour, water, sourdough starter, and salt in a bowl with room for the dough to double in size. Cover the bowl, noting the level of the dough and the time. 

When the dough has almost doubled in size and the surface is puffy and bubbly, end the bulk fermentation. This will likely be about 8-12 hours from mixing.

Scrape the dough out of the bowl onto a well-floured surface and pre-shape it into a ball. 

Cover the dough with your inverted bowl and let it bench rest for 20 minutes. 

Flour the top of the dough and use your bench knife to flip it onto the floured side. Shape the dough into a batard or boule. (See book for shaping instructions.)

Let your shaped dough rest on its seam while you flour your proofing basket, then place the dough in the basket seam-side up. 

Cover the basket and let the dough rise for another 1-3 hours for the final proof. The dough will expand in the basket but not double in size. If you want to bake much later, you can do the final proof in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours and bake the dough directly from the cold. 

Before the end of the final proof, preheat your oven and baking vessel for 30 minutes at 500*. (See book for notes about heat limits of baking vessels.)

Flip your dough out of the basket onto a piece of parchment paper, and score the top. 

Transfer the parchment and dough to the baking vessel, cover, and return the vessel to the oven. 

Bake for 20 minutes and then lower the temperature to 450*. After another 10 minutes, take the lid off and after an additional 5-10 minutes, remove the bread from the oven. The internal temperature should be 205* or higher. 

Let the bread cool on a rack for about 2 hours before slicing. 

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